What is Chinese Herbal Medicine?

Chinese Herbal Medicine


Traditional Chinese Medicine is rooted not just in acupuncture but in plant medicine as well. Chinese Herbal medicine has evolved for thousands of years. Ancient healers to modern-day practitioners can stand behind these amazing formulas that have stood the test of time, backed by empirical data.

Chinese herbal formulas differ from western pharmaceuticals because their aim isn’t to treat the symptoms, instead we are treating the entire person holistically.

The purpose of these formulas is to restore and balance our bodies physically and energetically. The concept of Yin and Yang is based on coexisting but opposing forces of energy that live within all of us and must remain in elegant harmony for us to experience good health.

Acupuncture is effective at moving this vital energy known as Qi around, but herbal medicine can help rebuild it.


What is Chinese Herbal Medicine Used For?

Chinese herbal medicine has hundreds of applications. Everything from fertility, digestive issues, insomnia to allergies, these herbal formulas directly treat the individual to provide relief from suffering.

Once the root issue has been teased out, only then can a formula be prescribed. Three different women seeking treatment for painful periods, for example, could very likely get three different formulas based on their personal needs. Chinese herbal medicine is not one-size fits all.

Clinically speaking, I use herbal formulas quite regularly for gynaecological health. In order to balance a woman’s Yin and Yang energies, formulas that break-up stagnation, build blood or clear heat are used to have deep, lasting effects for long-standing issues.

For dermatological conditions like acne or eczema, these formulas are taken for longer intervals and at higher doses to see a significant change. Again, it all comes down to who is being treated and the pattern that they are presenting.

Diet plays a huge role in health and is a trusty ally when using herbal formulas. These formulas are powerful, but they can only do so much. When I prescribe herbal formulas to my patients, I also add nutritional advice to help them get the best out of this plant medicine.

Clinically, these are common conditions that can be treated with Chinese herbal medicine:

  • Allergies

  • Diarrhea and constipation

  • Digestive issues, ie acid reflux, IBS, etc

  • Immune system regulation

  • Fatigue and low energy

  • Stress management 

  • Menstrual issues, such as PMS or endometriosis, etc

  • Infertility 

  • Menopause

  • Sleep and insomnia

  • Migraines and headaches


How Long Does a Course of Herbal Medicine Take?


Is Chinese Herbal Medicine Safe?

Again, a herbal treatment course will be based on the presenting pattern combined with the needs of the individual patient. Herbs are very good at extending the efficacy of an acupuncture treatment. To get my patients in the habit of taking their herbs on the regular, I explain that it's like ‘getting a treatment everyday’. The herbal formulas work deeply to alter and rebalance what's ailing you on a daily basis. Results are closely monitored and formulas are adjusted when necessary. 

For dermatological concerns, expect to take the herbs for three months because skin from a TCM perspective is seen as an internal issue; the formula needs to have time to make internal adjustments to see results manifest on the surface.

When dealing with fertility and gynaecology, once the pattern has been pinpointed, its quite common to be put on two different formulas at two different times in your cycle. Often times, a Qi and/or blood moving formula is used in ovulation or luteal phase to help encourage a PMS free period. After menstruation, another formula is used to replenish the blood that was lost during uterine shedding. 

When used in conjunction with a diet that suited to your needs and constitution, herbal formulas can work even more effectively, oftentimes garnering results quicker. 

Some formulas, such as ones for an acute infections are used short-term, while others might be used for weeks. The methodology behind using a herbal formula is to achieve balance between our Yin and Yang energies to maintain good health.

In Ontario, Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners like myself are the only ones able to prescribe Chinese herbal medicine formulas to patients. We’ve studied these formulas, and have been tested by our provincial licensing body. 

I often get asked if Chinese herbal medicine is safe? Because these formulas have been rigorously tried, tested and recalibrated again and again, we have nearly 2,000 years worth of clearly written records describing in detail how these herbs should be formulated, and what combinations are appropriate for certain types of people. 

It is very rare for a practitioner to just dispense one herb for consumption. Our herbal formulas are made up of a team of herbs to help compliment, bolster, and even reduce the toxicity of other herbs in a formula for them to treat the issue at hand with little to no side effects. These formulas are elegant in design and have been carefully selected for over a millennia to relieve pain and suffering. 

This being said, these formulas are powerful and should be taken with great care. They should be treated like a prescription from the pharmacy, abiding by the instructions given by the practitioner.

There’s an old herbalist saying, ‘there is no toxic herb, just a toxic dose’.

Just because Chinese herbal medicine is natural, it does not mean that it is issue-free. Please don’t be tempted to purchase formulas from the internet or health food stores that claim to perform miracles.

Always, always seek guidance from a regulated Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner before taking any Chinese herbal formula.