Kavita Gill, Acupuncturist

Kavita Gill



Toronto, Canada

 Acupuncturist & Herbalist 

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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Mind-Body Balancing


Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) provides ancient solutions for our challenging modern times. By redirecting or enhancing our life force energy, known as Qi, acupunctures aim is to bring your body and mind back into a state of equilibrium. By manipulating and influencing Qi, these treatments can initiate your body’s innate healing response. 


Kavita gill, r.tcmp, r.ac

The Art of Healing

Once the needles are removed, cupping, tuina massage, moxibustion or gua sha is used to enhance the therapeutic effects of the needles and to uniquely address your specific complaint. It’s another powerful layer to this medicine that will not only help whatever ails you, but it will keep your nervous system calm yet receptive.

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& Treatments

Qi, that elusive and mysterious thing, indescribable in its nature and akin to myth. The ancient Chinese believed that Qi is the dynamism that animates the body; it is the Spark of Life. It is an invisible life force thought to have animated the universe and all living things alike. In humans, Qi flows along a meridian network throughout the body; just like a fish swimming up a stream


Be softer with You. You are a breathing thing. A memory to someone. A Home to a Life
— Nayyirah Waheed